Singing with brothers and sisters in our home

If this works, you’ll hear our church group singing a song called “In Jesus”, in Cantonese. We had a visitor from Hong Kong, and he said this is a song his church group sings often. We got a good laugh at the end, as we were singing in both languages together and someone observed “We don’t SOUND like ‘one family’ !!”



Posted on January 15, 2011, in Uncategorized and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Oh this is great! I wanted to listen to it when you posted it on twitter a while back but couldn’t. So glad you reposted here!

  2. Can anybody explain to me why this one is not available for S8500? It is really frurartting…mose and more themes every day and a usefull app like this is not compatible.

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